G2C team would like to invite you to subscribe to our Online platform and take the e-learning modules available in English and five more languages (German, Italian, Porguese, Spanish, Polish). These e-learning modules are very suitable for you, if you are a failed and/or ex-entrepreneurs or a young entrepreneur because they will provide you relevant knowledge and competences to prevent a business crisis, to accept the stigma of failure and to re-start your business activity in case you failed in the past. The PR3 will include video materials, reading materials, assessment through quizzes and evaluations.  Following the six e-learning modules:

  • Module 1: Why start over? Overcoming the stigma of failure and learn from previous mistakes/problems. 
  • Module 2: Access to finance for those with failed business plan. Practical hints for establishing another business.
  • Module 3: Legislation (A user-friendly systematic practical guidance on legal opportunities for different phases of difficulties in doing business, as well as the ones that are considering restarting).
  • Module 4: Financial management (e.g. avoiding high levels of debt that might result in bankruptcy) and Company resource management.
  • Module 5: Negotiation and communication skills. 
  • Module 6: Business planning with benefits of past experience. Motivation of people around you in order to avoid negative company results.

Learners are asked to pass a 10-question quiz at the end of each module, for a total of six quizzes. Quiz questions are based on the information contained in the corresponding e-learning module. Each learner who passes the six quizzes, reaching a 60% of right answers in every quiz, will receive a Certificate of Completion.

An important pre-requisite required to users before to subscribe the e-learning modules is to take firstly the online self-assessment tool.

Indeed, the platform is set-up accordingly, not allowing the enrolment to e-learning modules to user, if the online assessment is not taken. The Online self-assessment tool is a tool that each failed and/or ex-entrepreneurs but also any business person should take, before opening a business. Indeed, the objective of the online self-assessment tool is to identify the characteristics needed by an entrepreneur to succeed together with his/her strenghts and weaknesses.