PR2: Online Self-assessment tool

The Online self-assessment tool (PR2) is composed by a set of indicators, applicable to failed and ex-entrepreneurs through a set of questions, grouped around the characteristics that each entrepreneur must possess. The Online self-assessment tool can be completed in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and/or Polish language. The Online self-assessment tool” is a tool that each failed and ex-entrepreneurs but also any business person should take, before opening a business. Indeed, the objective of the online self-assessment tool is to identify the characteristics needed by an entrepreneur to succeed. The proposed scoring tool provides a method for determine:

  • the personal and technical characteristics needed;
  • the capacity to manage, lead and finance a business;
  • the capacity to promote the business;
  • the use of strategic planning and innovation into a business.

In order to obtain an efficient tool, indicators that measure the self-assessment capacity for five different categories were followed:

  • Basic and psychological characteristics (capacity to collaborate, capacity to respond to stress, capacity to learn and reflect, capacity to plan the business).
  • Strategic management and development;
  • Operational and stakeholder management (documentation, key processes performance, resource monitoring);
  • Financing and market aspects;
  • Resilience and innovativeness aspects

For each category, the respondent must provide a score from 1 to 5, according to the scale below.

  • 1 – total disagreement
  • 2 – disagreement
  • 3 – neutral
  • 4 – agreement
  • 5 – total agreement

A spider diagram that represent average resilience scores for individual business was designed.
A failed and ex-entrepreneurs must learn from mistakes, but also to know how the lead the business. Each group of indicators have a target, which describes the capacity of opening a business within a clear timeframe. Finally, the spider diagram obtained after answering to all five categories questions will evidence the capacity of the person of doing business, and give the failed and ex-entrepreneurs fixed and measurable sets of expectations to work towards and achieve.
Applied correctly, the online self-assessment tool can provide information regarding the strengths and the weaknesses of the entrepreneur. It also offers information regarding the steps that you have to follow so that your business turns into a successful one. Following, don’t wait and take the assessment!

Self-assessment tool (in EN)

Self-assessment tool (in PT)

Self-assessment tool (in ES)

Self-assessment tool (in DE)

Self-assessment tool (in PL)

Self-assessment tool (in IT)

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